Thursday, September 8, 2011


When will the wildfires in Texas stop? Texas has been hit with a terrible drought this year and to top it off they now have to face one of the worst wildfires to ever hit the state. There are over 67 different wildfires spreading across the huge state, and firefighters all across the country are joining together to stop them. More than 1000 homes have already been destroyed and this number is still on the rise. The fires have taken over more than 26,000 hectares. Thousands upon thousands of people were forced out of their homes and had to seek refuge. Local gyms and hotels are providing rooms and beds for the people left without their homes.
This event has made me think a little bit and made me wonder about how a huge catastrophe like this gets resolved. Of course the main goal is to make sure everyone is safe and the fire gets put out. But what about the peoples properties? What about businesses, or offices? How can anyone ever afford to replace something that they already have worked so hard to obtain in the first place? Does the government step in? Can insurance cover everyone’s losses, or are some going to be left stranded? The fact is that I’m sure I’m not the only one that wants answers to these questions. This country's economy is already going down the drain, so does a hit like this mean drastic measures to get things fixed? Is this country going to be able to come together as one and help the person next to them? I know that I was raised to believe that this country is united and that we are all in this together and I really hope that is true. All I can say is that my prayers go out to those that are affected by these fires and I wish the best for all.

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