Friday, September 23, 2011

Island Bowl

Its about that tme again. Its the day of the alameda and encinal island bowl. Every year for the past 56 years alameda and encinal have met once a year in the most epic football game ever to be played. This is going to be my third and final island bowl and im looking to take back that win. For the last 4 years encinal has won at the varsity level but this year is different. We have a new team, a new coaching staff, and a new image. We got out original colors back with these dope ass uniforms and we are rocking flat black helmets. We are stepping on to that field a new team, with more conifdence, talent and swagggg. Ive never been so excited to get this game started, im ready to go toe to toe and blow to blow with this cross town rival. This game is like none other. Their is so much behind this game, so much history, so much blood and so many tears. This game is bigger than all of us. Like really how many peoplr get to participate in an event thats been going on for so many years and the whole town comes out to watch. The amount of people that come to this game is rediculous, its likr a stadium with people screaming and yelling at every big play or bad call.
Im ready right now to put every ounce of myself into this game and go out there with my team and shock the fucking world. Its go time!!! Hornet pridde

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