Wednesday, September 21, 2011

US lifts ban on gay soldiers until now, it was not allowed to be gay in the military but now that has all changed. Since 1993 gays could serve in the military as long as they kept their sexual orientation to them selves. This was known as the "Don’t ask, Don’t tell" policy which was put into effect by President Clinton but then repealed last December by President Obama. So now gays can serve in the military and be open with their sexual orientation. The fact that the government would not allow hardworking men and women serve for them because they are homosexual is disturbing. These men and women are willing to risk their lives for the betterment of the country and help maintain peace world wide. Why does it matter what their sexual orientation is? How is that going to affect the way they work or the way they perform in the field of battle? People base their facts off stereotypes and do not allow people to show them what they can really do. They just assume and look the other way.
Maybe now that the Government and the military have lifted this ban, the country can open their eyes as well. Every person on this earth has different personalities and everyone lives life in their own way and people should not be immediately judged our told they aren’t normal. No one is normal, everyone is different and if you turn your back on someone just because they are gay or if they are different you may miss the chance to meet a really great person that can help better things.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is great. "Don't ask, don't tell" always pissed me off, i was so glad when Obama repealed it.
