Wednesday, September 14, 2011

College Essay

At a young age, trips with my father to tide pools across the California coast sparked an interest. Playing with crabs, fish and different plants while waves were splashing into us. Seeing all different types of fish and plants amazed my young mind, still not realizing that there is so much more than what is in these small pools. My dad would explain to me how there is so much out in the oceans, rivers and lakes for me to discover. This only made my fascination with this different world grow. From then on I knew what I wanted to do; I wanted to become a marine biologist.
It is very strange for a kid so young to find a career he knows that he already wants to pursue and him to stick with for over 12 years, but with so many unanswered questions I knew I couldn’t turn my back on it. I would have questions of how things worked or why did some fish live in some areas; the list goes on and on. The only way I could get answers to some of my questions was by looking it up. Then I had an idea, ill get a fish tank. So then throughout the rest of my childhood I had fish tanks where I would just watch and observe the fish on a day to day basis. It wasn’t like I took observational notes but I would recognize different swimming and eating patterns. I learned a lot on my own but I knew one day that I would need to learn more I knew that in  college I was going to major in Marine biology. 
People have told me "keep your options open" but when you’re so passionate about something why pursue something different. I have grown to love something, it’s not something someone told me to like or told me to learn about, it is something that I on my own found an interest in. Also after being in AP environmental science last year I learned a lot about the current marine life and how over fishing and pollution is causing many fish and coral to die so i thought "who will fix this?" After thinking I realized "why not me?" I can do something that can help change the world. I can get involved in saving animals that seem to be doomed. I can be the one to make a difference. If can change one thing on this earth with my time here while doing something that I truly enjoy then why not? Why pursue anything else?
As you can see I am a person with many questions and I sometimes can get answers to them but not always. I’ve come to learn a lot but there is still a lot more to learn. I was born with a desire to succeed in all that comes my way and most of all I was born with a desire to learn. There is a whole other world out there that I hope to learn as much about as possible and I hope to get the opportunity to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I like this topic very much and it helps to get to know you better, for sure.

    I'm wondering about some more expansion on what you've learned from having the tank in your home...? Seems like a potential for some more detail about your own self-motivated learning and intellectual curiosity. Just a thought...

    Also there are some sentences scattered throughout various paragraphs that are run-ons. Gotta slow down and break 'em up with some more punctuation! I'm not sure whether you're even at a stage where feedback this nit-picky is even appropriate, though...
