Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Re. Kevin Jang

This excerpt is from Kevin Jang's post "Time Flies":
It seems like last month we were all freshman and now we have one more year left. When I was younger, I would always view high school kids to be so grown and intimidating. Now I am a Senior in high school, I still can't believe it.
I agree with Kevin 100%, it seems that everything has gone by so fast.Things are changing and they are changing fast. We are coming up on the end of our child hood and soon we will be dumped off into the world of working, bills, and possibly marriage. The days of having our parents take care of everything are gone and we are going to have to start living on our own. I still remember those days where all i had to worry about was what my friends and I were going to do that day, but now i got to worry about college, school, and football. I have to think about what it is im going to do or what im going to aim for with my life. Also as Kevin said we may never see these people we have shared classes with for years ever again and that is sad. There are some people that i know ive known for a long time that i might never get the chance to talk to again after graduation simply because our lives may take us in different directions. I just hope that i stay close to my close friends.
All though things may change alot, we now get to start our lives. There is no more being told what to do, where to go or how to live. We will now begin to make our own deceissions, up untill now we had to go to school and had to listen to our parents but after highschool we can do as we please. Life is surely changing, some will be very sad but we all have to go through it and now it is our turn and i know im ready to take life head on.

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