Thursday, September 15, 2011

RE. Zac alfers

I dont know if you know but today is the first home football game of the season for the Alameda High Hornets.

Zac couldnt have said it better it is SHOW TIME!! I have played football with zac going on 5 years and it is rediculous how amazing of an athlete he has become. When some one describes a play maker, or a guy that literally gives his body up on every play, they might as well give zac as an example. He does it all and now we have come to our last season together. I know we both hope to contiue on playing at the colliegite level but for us as teammates this is our last go around. Playing side by side with someone, sharing lockers together and being close friends for multiple years is what truly creates a bond and truly shows what this sport and this team means to us.
Im proud to say that this team is the closest team ive ever played on, all of us are brothers and would with out a doubt back each other up no matter what the circumstance. We as a team are going to and already have put oir hearts into every down we play. Its been a bumpy start but I know we have a sound football team with legit coaches and agree 100% with zac when he said we are gonna win out the season and the island bowl. We have worked to hard not too and we have too much heart. I hope all can come out to support us this season and we will show everyone what Hornet football really is. Hornet pride!!!

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