Thursday, September 29, 2011


 The United States decided to sell 18 F16 to the Iraq army. The deal is worth over 3 billion dollars. Iraq recently made their first payment towards the jets. These jets are going to be used to help the Iraqi army maintain power after the United States army leaves. Iraq recently payed 1.4 billion dollars as a partial payment in order to keep the deal on track. Iraq has recently stated that they would like to make the deal 36 fighter jets instead of 18. With the deal underway the Iraqi army has been training guys to be able to fly the jets. With these jets the Iraqi army will be able to roam the skies and try to maintain peace.The fighter jets will not be sent to Iraq till next fall or possibly in 2013.
I really like that the US is selling these fighters to Iraqi army because now we are going to be able to get The United States army out of there and bring our troops home. Because up until ow the problem was that we were not able leave Iraq and now that everything would stay under control but with these fighter jets, there is more assurance that they will be able to hold it down. With these jets the Iraqi army will now have power, even if they don't have to use them it symbolizes power and a changed country that can hopefully keep terrorists aways. I hope to see this war end soon.

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