Friday, September 30, 2011

RE Amir Razavi

This quote is from a post written by Amir Razavi:
Why the hell would you be "hiking" in the moutains of Iraq/Iran. Are you serious? Why don't you be normal in the sense that you have california or the Rockies and dozens of other places in America you can hike. Why did you decide, "Oh let's go hiking in Iran this Summer" "Oh yeah, forsure man". I just dont understand that.
I agree with Amir in when he says this because like really, why would you need to travel to a country that has a lot of war  problems going on just to go hike a mountain. I mean i understand that people want to travel the world and see different things but it isn't very smart to go to a country that has a lot of problems going on already. It is not safe and they do not need any extra trouble which happened because like Amir said the US media blew everything out of proportion. But then again that is what the US media is known for, they take a story and turn it into something it not. They make everything seem 100 times worse than it actually is and make up assumptions just to make an interesting story or to strike fear across the nation.
In this story the i blame everyone involved. The Us is wrong for blowing it out of proportion like amir said. The guys shouldnt have been there in the first place but i can see why they would want to travel. Also Iran didnt have to imprison these guys for hiking everyone just needs to relax

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