Wednesday, September 28, 2011

college essay #2

After growing up and hearing stories of your dad's years of playing football and watching it on TV, the sport attracts you. As a young kid I loved everything about football and I knew I had to play it. I didn’t get the actual opportunity to play until my 8th grade year, and I knew from then on that this is my sport. Now as a senior, I am in my 5th season and love every second of it. I am one of three varsity captains and that is one accomplishment that I am truly proud of. It took a lot of hard work but the moment I heard my coach name me a captain I knew that every drop of sweat and blood I put into this game was well worth it.

Coming into my freshman year I was small and had very little talent, but there was one thing I had that set me apart from everyone else. I have always had such a strong desire to succeed and I have always had a very strong work ethic. See I like to prove people wrong. I’ve never been the biggest guy or the fastest so everyone usually underestimates me and what I am capable of right from the start. People would say that I would never amount to anything in football and I would always be a sideline player. So after my freshman season I began to work, I began to train every day, I realized with hard work I could turn myself into something, someone. I was at the gym every day, I was on the field every day, and I would watch football games and see how the best of the best would play and try to learn something new every day from it. And like my coaches said it would, it actually paid off. I got allot bigger, stronger and faster.

Besides changing physically, all my hard work changed me as a person. I became more confident in my own abilities both on and off the field. It made me realize that if I wanted to do something no matter what it was, I could. It also turned me into a leader. From being around the gym and the game of football so much, people would come to me if they had any questions whether it is about football, weightlifting or anything else. I guess you can say I became an approachable guy that others looked to as a good example to follow. That is why both my sophomore and senior year I became the captain of my football team, my coaches looked to me as a well rounded person that can lead this team to victory.
Football, although most may say it is just a game it is much more than that to me. Football changed me overall as a person and made me the man I am today. It gave me the realization that everything in this world is yours for the taking all you got to do is go after it.

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