Thursday, September 15, 2011

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When will it end? Another event of a car bombing in iraq has recently occured leaving many injured and dead. They say its just another terrorist attack plain and simple. They were targeting a group of iraqi soldiers. There also was a bus bombing outside an iraqi army base. The reason for these bombings is to cause a seperation among the people and to cause an uproar. To me it seems as if there is no reason for this all it is doing is taking away innocent lives.
With in upcoming months many of US soldiers are suppose to be coming home and leave most of the work and protection up to the soldiers of irag, but that is not looking like a great idea. See now the iraqi soldiers are being seen less as a threat to terrorist but more as a target. The Two bombings talked about in this video were all attacks against the iraqi soldiers and the government to let them know that the terrorists do not fear them. There still are united states soldiers over there but they arent what the terrorist seem to be targeting at this point in time. They want to get the Us military out so they can then take there chance to take over.
As much as i want the troops to come home and as much as i feel that they should, there is a part of me that sees why they are still there because the job of stopping this war on terror is not over and there still is alot to do.

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