Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Let me kick off my new blogger I account with my first post telling a little bit about myself. My name is Frank Muzio, I was born and raised in Alameda. I am of Italian and Portuguese backgrounds. I have one older sister named Alex and with our parents split up when we were around 7 me and her have become really close because no matter what we were always together. I was blessed with having the opportunity to grow up with 4 grandparents until the end of sixth grade when my grandfather on my mom’s side passed away from lung cancer. Also I’ve been blessed to grow up with many pets as a young one such as dogs, birds, fish and many reptiles.
I grew up playing many sports such as golf, baseball, basketball and football but I grew to love football. I’m going into my fifth year and was recently named varsity team captain. I play multiple positions such as line backer, safety, running back and fullback. With this being my senior season I hope to lead my team to a NCS championship and hopefully earn a scholarship to play in college.
Another thing that one may not know about me is that I am aspiring to be a marine biologist. As a young boy my dad would take me to different parts of the California coast and we would explore the tide pools. From crabs and shell fish to small fish and salt water plants I got to experience it all at a young age. Ever since then I’ve had questions about marine life that I would love to learn. I’ve been snorkeling many times and will soon obtain a scuba diving license and under water life seizes to amaze me.
Well that’s just a little bit about me. You got to learn about my family, what I like to do with my time (besides school) and u got to see what I hope to do with my life.

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