Friday, September 30, 2011


Has anyone ever thought about what they want to do before they die? I know I have and most would refer to as a bucket list or simply just the List. I have recently taken this thought into account and I realized that there is so much I want to do before my final day comes and I need to get started.
One thing I want to do is I want to travel the world. I want to see things that few people have ever gotten the chance to see. I want to explore the jungles; I want to go scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef.  As some may now I am set on becoming a marine biologist so a lot of what I want to do before I die is explore the ocean. I want to see fish of all different types of species and see them in their natural environment. I am a person who is huge on animals and the environment and there is nothing better than seeing a wild animal in its own world.
I also want to do other things that most would want to do as well such as. I want to start a family, I want to have a successful job and I just want to enjoy life. I want to be able to buy my kids anything they want and I want them to be able to see the world as I will have. See the world is out there for us to take it so why not? Right? There is so much left for me out there and I know I’m going to see it.

RE Amir Razavi

This quote is from a post written by Amir Razavi:
Why the hell would you be "hiking" in the moutains of Iraq/Iran. Are you serious? Why don't you be normal in the sense that you have california or the Rockies and dozens of other places in America you can hike. Why did you decide, "Oh let's go hiking in Iran this Summer" "Oh yeah, forsure man". I just dont understand that.
I agree with Amir in when he says this because like really, why would you need to travel to a country that has a lot of war  problems going on just to go hike a mountain. I mean i understand that people want to travel the world and see different things but it isn't very smart to go to a country that has a lot of problems going on already. It is not safe and they do not need any extra trouble which happened because like Amir said the US media blew everything out of proportion. But then again that is what the US media is known for, they take a story and turn it into something it not. They make everything seem 100 times worse than it actually is and make up assumptions just to make an interesting story or to strike fear across the nation.
In this story the i blame everyone involved. The Us is wrong for blowing it out of proportion like amir said. The guys shouldnt have been there in the first place but i can see why they would want to travel. Also Iran didnt have to imprison these guys for hiking everyone just needs to relax

Thursday, September 29, 2011


 The United States decided to sell 18 F16 to the Iraq army. The deal is worth over 3 billion dollars. Iraq recently made their first payment towards the jets. These jets are going to be used to help the Iraqi army maintain power after the United States army leaves. Iraq recently payed 1.4 billion dollars as a partial payment in order to keep the deal on track. Iraq has recently stated that they would like to make the deal 36 fighter jets instead of 18. With the deal underway the Iraqi army has been training guys to be able to fly the jets. With these jets the Iraqi army will be able to roam the skies and try to maintain peace.The fighter jets will not be sent to Iraq till next fall or possibly in 2013.
I really like that the US is selling these fighters to Iraqi army because now we are going to be able to get The United States army out of there and bring our troops home. Because up until ow the problem was that we were not able leave Iraq and now that everything would stay under control but with these fighter jets, there is more assurance that they will be able to hold it down. With these jets the Iraqi army will now have power, even if they don't have to use them it symbolizes power and a changed country that can hopefully keep terrorists aways. I hope to see this war end soon.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

college essay #2

After growing up and hearing stories of your dad's years of playing football and watching it on TV, the sport attracts you. As a young kid I loved everything about football and I knew I had to play it. I didn’t get the actual opportunity to play until my 8th grade year, and I knew from then on that this is my sport. Now as a senior, I am in my 5th season and love every second of it. I am one of three varsity captains and that is one accomplishment that I am truly proud of. It took a lot of hard work but the moment I heard my coach name me a captain I knew that every drop of sweat and blood I put into this game was well worth it.

Coming into my freshman year I was small and had very little talent, but there was one thing I had that set me apart from everyone else. I have always had such a strong desire to succeed and I have always had a very strong work ethic. See I like to prove people wrong. I’ve never been the biggest guy or the fastest so everyone usually underestimates me and what I am capable of right from the start. People would say that I would never amount to anything in football and I would always be a sideline player. So after my freshman season I began to work, I began to train every day, I realized with hard work I could turn myself into something, someone. I was at the gym every day, I was on the field every day, and I would watch football games and see how the best of the best would play and try to learn something new every day from it. And like my coaches said it would, it actually paid off. I got allot bigger, stronger and faster.

Besides changing physically, all my hard work changed me as a person. I became more confident in my own abilities both on and off the field. It made me realize that if I wanted to do something no matter what it was, I could. It also turned me into a leader. From being around the gym and the game of football so much, people would come to me if they had any questions whether it is about football, weightlifting or anything else. I guess you can say I became an approachable guy that others looked to as a good example to follow. That is why both my sophomore and senior year I became the captain of my football team, my coaches looked to me as a well rounded person that can lead this team to victory.
Football, although most may say it is just a game it is much more than that to me. Football changed me overall as a person and made me the man I am today. It gave me the realization that everything in this world is yours for the taking all you got to do is go after it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Island Bowl

Its about that tme again. Its the day of the alameda and encinal island bowl. Every year for the past 56 years alameda and encinal have met once a year in the most epic football game ever to be played. This is going to be my third and final island bowl and im looking to take back that win. For the last 4 years encinal has won at the varsity level but this year is different. We have a new team, a new coaching staff, and a new image. We got out original colors back with these dope ass uniforms and we are rocking flat black helmets. We are stepping on to that field a new team, with more conifdence, talent and swagggg. Ive never been so excited to get this game started, im ready to go toe to toe and blow to blow with this cross town rival. This game is like none other. Their is so much behind this game, so much history, so much blood and so many tears. This game is bigger than all of us. Like really how many peoplr get to participate in an event thats been going on for so many years and the whole town comes out to watch. The amount of people that come to this game is rediculous, its likr a stadium with people screaming and yelling at every big play or bad call.
Im ready right now to put every ounce of myself into this game and go out there with my team and shock the fucking world. Its go time!!! Hornet pridde

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Re. Kevin Jang

This excerpt is from Kevin Jang's post "Time Flies":
It seems like last month we were all freshman and now we have one more year left. When I was younger, I would always view high school kids to be so grown and intimidating. Now I am a Senior in high school, I still can't believe it.
I agree with Kevin 100%, it seems that everything has gone by so fast.Things are changing and they are changing fast. We are coming up on the end of our child hood and soon we will be dumped off into the world of working, bills, and possibly marriage. The days of having our parents take care of everything are gone and we are going to have to start living on our own. I still remember those days where all i had to worry about was what my friends and I were going to do that day, but now i got to worry about college, school, and football. I have to think about what it is im going to do or what im going to aim for with my life. Also as Kevin said we may never see these people we have shared classes with for years ever again and that is sad. There are some people that i know ive known for a long time that i might never get the chance to talk to again after graduation simply because our lives may take us in different directions. I just hope that i stay close to my close friends.
All though things may change alot, we now get to start our lives. There is no more being told what to do, where to go or how to live. We will now begin to make our own deceissions, up untill now we had to go to school and had to listen to our parents but after highschool we can do as we please. Life is surely changing, some will be very sad but we all have to go through it and now it is our turn and i know im ready to take life head on.

US lifts ban on gay soldiers until now, it was not allowed to be gay in the military but now that has all changed. Since 1993 gays could serve in the military as long as they kept their sexual orientation to them selves. This was known as the "Don’t ask, Don’t tell" policy which was put into effect by President Clinton but then repealed last December by President Obama. So now gays can serve in the military and be open with their sexual orientation. The fact that the government would not allow hardworking men and women serve for them because they are homosexual is disturbing. These men and women are willing to risk their lives for the betterment of the country and help maintain peace world wide. Why does it matter what their sexual orientation is? How is that going to affect the way they work or the way they perform in the field of battle? People base their facts off stereotypes and do not allow people to show them what they can really do. They just assume and look the other way.
Maybe now that the Government and the military have lifted this ban, the country can open their eyes as well. Every person on this earth has different personalities and everyone lives life in their own way and people should not be immediately judged our told they aren’t normal. No one is normal, everyone is different and if you turn your back on someone just because they are gay or if they are different you may miss the chance to meet a really great person that can help better things.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

RE. Zac alfers

I dont know if you know but today is the first home football game of the season for the Alameda High Hornets.

Zac couldnt have said it better it is SHOW TIME!! I have played football with zac going on 5 years and it is rediculous how amazing of an athlete he has become. When some one describes a play maker, or a guy that literally gives his body up on every play, they might as well give zac as an example. He does it all and now we have come to our last season together. I know we both hope to contiue on playing at the colliegite level but for us as teammates this is our last go around. Playing side by side with someone, sharing lockers together and being close friends for multiple years is what truly creates a bond and truly shows what this sport and this team means to us.
Im proud to say that this team is the closest team ive ever played on, all of us are brothers and would with out a doubt back each other up no matter what the circumstance. We as a team are going to and already have put oir hearts into every down we play. Its been a bumpy start but I know we have a sound football team with legit coaches and agree 100% with zac when he said we are gonna win out the season and the island bowl. We have worked to hard not too and we have too much heart. I hope all can come out to support us this season and we will show everyone what Hornet football really is. Hornet pride!!!
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When will it end? Another event of a car bombing in iraq has recently occured leaving many injured and dead. They say its just another terrorist attack plain and simple. They were targeting a group of iraqi soldiers. There also was a bus bombing outside an iraqi army base. The reason for these bombings is to cause a seperation among the people and to cause an uproar. To me it seems as if there is no reason for this all it is doing is taking away innocent lives.
With in upcoming months many of US soldiers are suppose to be coming home and leave most of the work and protection up to the soldiers of irag, but that is not looking like a great idea. See now the iraqi soldiers are being seen less as a threat to terrorist but more as a target. The Two bombings talked about in this video were all attacks against the iraqi soldiers and the government to let them know that the terrorists do not fear them. There still are united states soldiers over there but they arent what the terrorist seem to be targeting at this point in time. They want to get the Us military out so they can then take there chance to take over.
As much as i want the troops to come home and as much as i feel that they should, there is a part of me that sees why they are still there because the job of stopping this war on terror is not over and there still is alot to do.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So I am sitting here in the varsity football team study hall, on my phone, trying to figure out what the hell should blog about. And while doing this I am looking around and observing my teams ability to do homework together and I have come to the conclusion. THIS IS NOT PRODUCTIVE. I know that study hall is used to make sure that we as a football team stay on top of our work and no one slips up and get bad grades, but there has to be a better way. There are people on my left side to me shooting the shit and make fun of eachother while on my right there are people taking pictures of everybody trying to get there work done. I have realized that this is probably the hardest place to concentrate (even though im able to type a blog post). I feel that this is terriable for gettin work done but the one thing it is good for is getting this team to bond. In here we are outside of the football field, we are away from the plays, the pads and thr coaches, it is just us enjoying the time together as a tight group and a close family. Yes there are jokes be passed and people are roasting one another but thats what brothers do. It makes me feel as if we r closer than ever in here besides when we are on the field. Well time for practice. Ryan cooper says wsup

College Essay

At a young age, trips with my father to tide pools across the California coast sparked an interest. Playing with crabs, fish and different plants while waves were splashing into us. Seeing all different types of fish and plants amazed my young mind, still not realizing that there is so much more than what is in these small pools. My dad would explain to me how there is so much out in the oceans, rivers and lakes for me to discover. This only made my fascination with this different world grow. From then on I knew what I wanted to do; I wanted to become a marine biologist.
It is very strange for a kid so young to find a career he knows that he already wants to pursue and him to stick with for over 12 years, but with so many unanswered questions I knew I couldn’t turn my back on it. I would have questions of how things worked or why did some fish live in some areas; the list goes on and on. The only way I could get answers to some of my questions was by looking it up. Then I had an idea, ill get a fish tank. So then throughout the rest of my childhood I had fish tanks where I would just watch and observe the fish on a day to day basis. It wasn’t like I took observational notes but I would recognize different swimming and eating patterns. I learned a lot on my own but I knew one day that I would need to learn more I knew that in  college I was going to major in Marine biology. 
People have told me "keep your options open" but when you’re so passionate about something why pursue something different. I have grown to love something, it’s not something someone told me to like or told me to learn about, it is something that I on my own found an interest in. Also after being in AP environmental science last year I learned a lot about the current marine life and how over fishing and pollution is causing many fish and coral to die so i thought "who will fix this?" After thinking I realized "why not me?" I can do something that can help change the world. I can get involved in saving animals that seem to be doomed. I can be the one to make a difference. If can change one thing on this earth with my time here while doing something that I truly enjoy then why not? Why pursue anything else?
As you can see I am a person with many questions and I sometimes can get answers to them but not always. I’ve come to learn a lot but there is still a lot more to learn. I was born with a desire to succeed in all that comes my way and most of all I was born with a desire to learn. There is a whole other world out there that I hope to learn as much about as possible and I hope to get the opportunity to do so.