Thursday, October 13, 2011

Re: Edwin Mora

This excerpt is from Edwin Mora's Free post Steve Jobs:
This man, whether you love or hate Apple products changed the world, he changed the way people and companies look at hardware, software and how smart phones and other devices can be used to make our everyday easier. And i'm almost sure that if wasn't for him and the company he created, technology wouldn't have turn out to be how we know it today.
Edwin used one of his free post to talk about the life of the Apple founder, Steve Jobs. For those who do not know, Jobs recently passed away due to pancreatic cancer which lead to respiratory arrest. I agree with Edwin 100% with what he said in his post and that is that Steve Jobs whether you like it or not has changed the world for ever. There are not many people that can truly say they have changed the world as drastically has Jobs has done. He has created and innovated so many pieces of technology that it is hard to keep track. Things such as the iPod (which everyone and the mother has), the iPhone, the tablet and the mac book. He had the ability and the intelligence to take an idea in his head and turn it into an actual product not many can say they can do the same. He has changed the world and like Edwin said without him we would be years behind the current technology that we have. Steve Jobs was and will remain a legend in the technology world and I hope Apple will be able to function without him, Jobs was a true genius.

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