Wednesday, October 19, 2011

CE Bird shot

 This quote is from the article

Rescuers trying to catch hawk with nail in head

"What I saw disgusted and saddened me," she said in an e-mail. "The hawk had what looked to be a finishing nail through its head. It could only have happened from a nail gun, but it's puzzling as they are generally not an accurate tool unless you are right beside what you are trying to nail."
Rescuers are on the hunt for a wild red-tailed hawk that somehow has been shot in the head with a nail gun. The nail is still currently lodged in the head of the bird and the bird has not been captured yet where they can remove it properly. It is still a mystery of how the HELLLL the bird got a nail in its head. Some say that it could just be a freak accident, but others that understand a nail gun say that they arent accurate or powerful enough to travel long distances so it seems that it was an intentional and near point blank shot. The rescuers have been following the bird and are still trying to catch it and say that it still continues to hunt but it must be in terriable pain although might still be able to be saved. I find this story very unusual and cruel. I am a huge animal person and the fact that someone would diliberalty shoot a defensless animal in the head with a nail gun is a bad as it gets. Not only that but the fact that the animal is still alive is pretty amazing, a head shot is usally associated with an instant kill shot. Whatever caused this im just glad the animal is still able to function and i hope that the rescuers are able to catch and save this bird of prey soon.

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