Thursday, October 13, 2011

Free : Being Remembered

Being remembered. Has anyone ever wondered what people will say when they are gone? I know that I have wondered if i have lived my life so far in a way that has impacted others lives in a good way. After doing my two last posts on Steve Jobs and Al Davis two who truly changed the world in their own way, it had me thinking what I will do to be remembered. In my mind a person lives a successful life if they pursue their own happiness and they change people’s lives in a positive way and i hope that i am able to fulfill this.

I’m not as concerned with my pursuit of happiness because I have come to the realization that happiness is more of a choice, a person can choose to do what they want to be happy and they can choose to be happy, i know some may disagree with that but for me it works. I'm the kind of person that you will rarely see down; I believe that life is a gift and no matter what we have to enjoy it.

I am however not really concerned but more curious about if i will be able to leave this life knowing that i have changed or impacted peoples life's in a positive way. I know that no matter which way my life takes me I am going to make it my main goal to be the one to make a change. I have laid in bed thinking about it, I want to be remembered as somebody, I want to be remembered as that guy who put all his effort in to everything he thought necessary. I want someone, on the day of my funeral, to be able to say “ This man has made a difference”

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