Friday, October 21, 2011

RE Damion Lo

the following  quote is from Damien lo's post:
People from the Coastside Fishing Club filed a petition against some laws that protected marine life incertain areas. This group of people was mostly fishermen who argued thatthe Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) should not have been imposed.
Being a fisherman and an aspiring marine biologist this article that Damion wrote about hit me from both sides. From the side of the Fisherman i could see why they would want to open up more game for them to fish. As a fisherman you want to be able to fish all different types of fish and just enjoy the sport in many different ways and that is why this club tried to get a petition to open up new experiences. But wanting to be a marine biologist has me on the opposite side of the fishermen, because even though i fish i only "catch and release". I have grown to love marine life and just the marine world in genereal and right now the marine world is already in a deep hole. The MPA places bans on fish that they feel are already in serious danger so why on earth would they lift that ban just for a stupid petition. People need to realize that there is so much more to fishing than just killing as many fish as possible and that the marine world is full of so much beauty that we have to take care of or else we could lose it.

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